02 Dec

Due to various reasons in the manufacture and installation of diamond depressed grinding disc in stock, the center of gravity of the diamond grinding disc often does not fit with its center of rotation. This will cause the grinding disc to vibrate at high speeds, which will affect the processing, and will cause the diamond cutting piece to break when it is severe. And the machine tool is damaged, so the diamond cutting disc must be statically balanced after it is mounted on the flange. After the diamond grinding disc is mounted on the flange, the flange is placed on the mandrel and placed on the gimbal rail.

If it is unbalanced, the heavier part of the cutting piece will always turn to the bottom, move the balance block position inside the ring tip of the flange, balance the center of the cutting piece, and repeat until the disc is on the rail. Can be stationary, at this time the cutting piece reaches a static balance. When installing a new cutting piece, the depressed grinding disc in stock should be statically balanced twice. After a static balance, install the grinder and trim the shape of the cutting piece with a diamond pen, then remove the grinding disc and perform a static balance before installation.

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