09 Oct

Do you know the density of abrasive wheels?

Abrasive concentration is different when grinding wheel production, different concentration of the finished product characteristics are different, China grinding wheel suppliers today take you to understand the concentration of grinding wheel, I hope it will be helpful to you.

Abrasive concentration is defined in powder compacted sintered or resin bonded grinding wheel sheets as containing 4.4 carats per cubic centimeter of volume. The thickness of the thin fast working grinding wheel is generally between 75-150.

Diamond grinding wheels use 50% - 100% concentration; most of them use 75%, which requires a higher smoothness can be lower than 75%. Forming grinding and longer service life requirements of the grinding wheel, can be used 100% or more;

The concentration of 25% - 150% is used in diamond products, of which the coarse-grained cutting saw blade and the concentration are generally lower, i.e. 25-50%, and the fine-grained one is higher; while the concentration of other metal bond grinding wheels is generally required to be 50% - 100%. Generally speaking, the concentration of coarse grinding is higher, that of semi-fine grinding is medium, and that of fine grinding and polishing is higher.

The China long life grinding wheel density is too low, cutting efficiency is not high, concentration is too high, grinding wheel strength is poor and grinding wheel consumption is large. So in production, we should pay attention to the concentration of the control, to ensure the quality of the grinding wheel.

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